Making Your Internal Space Safe

— EPISODE 23 —


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Safe spaces were En Vogue about a decade ago and then they got a bad rap.

People started saying that safe spaces were coddling millennials and Gen Z, making things unrealistic for them. Well, I still think there’s a place for safe spaces in this world because I think they are necessary for our mental health and well-being. My take is a little different than what you hear in popular media… 

I think the most important safe space is the one you create inside yourself.

Growing up, I was quite privileged when it came to safety. I didn’t grow up around violence or fighting, my neighborhoods and schools were safe, and I was generally free to roam and explore, which really supported my growth and development.

Yet, I didn’t always feel at ease because my internal space wasn’t truly safe. I was lonely as a kid, I thought there was something wrong with me, and I thought I needed to change myself in order to be accepted and worthy of love.

Although I did have a lot of safety in my life, I was also a little Black girl growing up in America which caused me to internalize a lot of feelings of unsafeness. Because I was constantly criticizing myself for my appearance and my actions, I could never cultivate that powerful inner space of safety. 

Take a moment to ponder these questions…

  • Does the space inside your mind feel unsafe?

  • Is the space inside your mind the space that tells you you’re not enough?

  • If the answers are yes, you’re not alone. For me, this continued into my twenties!

  • What is a safe space?

A safe space is a place where you feel calm, at ease, and secure. While we’re not always able to control the safety of our external environments, you can control the safety you feel within yourself. Having a healthy internal safe space means you’re there for yourself, you offer yourself comfort when you’re having a hard time, you support and encourage your big dreams and ideas, and you acknowledge your feelings without judgement.

When you have a safe internal space, you’re able to soothe and calm yourself down even when you’re experiencing a stressful or upsetting event. With all the chaos and heartbreaking tragedies going on in the world, you’re able to come back home to yourself and feel at ease without catastrophizing every thought and feeling. It’s so much easier to become grounded and process your thoughts and emotions in a healthy way.

How to Create an Internal Safe Space for Yourself

  • Let go of self-criticism.

  • Be kind and compassionate to yourself.

  • Be accepting and non-judgmental of yourself.

  • Take care of your physical needs.

  • Connect with people who love and support you – they remind you that you are worthy and lovable.

  • Continue listening to Unconditionally Worthy as I’m always talking about ways to create safety within yourself!

Remember, you are worthy of peace, ease, safety, and security.


If you’re interested in getting started on your journey to embracing your unconditional self-worth…

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