Liberating Ourselves and Decolonizing Mental Health with Dr. Han Ren
What does it mean to decolonize mental health? As BIPOC folk, how do we liberate ourselves from colonization and mental illness? In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Dr. Han Ren, a licensed clinical and school psychologist, consultant, speaker, and educator who is deeply rooted in liberation and anti-oppressive work. Tune in to learn what it means to decolonize mental health and what it looks like to care for and liberate yourself as a BIPOC person. By the end of the episode, you’ll know six ways you can start decolonizing mental health.
What Disability Pride Teaches All of Us with Tiffany Yu
In this episode, I welcome Tiffany Yu, a disability pride advocate, content creator, Founder of the Awesome Foundation Disability Chapter, and the CEO & Founder of Diversability, an award-winning social enterprise that elevates disability pride.