Burnout: What It Is & How to Address It with Chandrea Brown

— EPISODE 38 —


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One of the reasons so many people have been leaving their jobs and shifting their lives is burnout.

People are exhausted! And it makes sense… so much change has happened over the past few years. But when are we going to put ourselves first and face this painful affliction?

Today’s Unconditionally Worthy guest is Chandrea Brown, a Burnout Preventionist and Connector of Dots. As a 2-time Burnout Survivor, Chandrea is deeply passionate about letting anyone who will listen know that “there is another way”. BURNOUT does NOT have to be our modus operandi.

In this episode, Chandrea and I talk about what burnout is, what factors contribute to burnout, and three ways to overcome it. We also explore the interconnections between burnout and self-worth as well as how Chandrea’s faith helped her find her worthiness.

What is burnout?

Chandrea’s definition of burnout is “chronic exhaustion” that can manifest in multiple ways physically, emotionally, and behaviorally. People who are prone to burnout are often Type A personalities, detail-oriented, changemakers, and helpers. We like to achieve and fill up the cups of others so much that we forget to slow down and fill up our own cup. It can feel so overwhelming that you feel like you need an escape. Like, a DRAMATIC escape. Hello, appendix? Now’s your time to take the stage!

When Chandrea first experienced burnout, she found herself feeling apathetic, angry, and not able to keep up with work. Once she discovered the long-term health effects of chronic stress and realized she was burnt out, she decided to reach out to her director at work for support. The lesson Chandrea eventually learned was that her full-to-the-brim schedule was draining her of time and energy. So, she practiced releasing responsibilities and things got a bit better… for a while

“I am drowning in plain sight,” she said.

The second time Chandrea became burnt out, she felt guilty about taking time for herself, even though she felt like she was drowning. This is a common symptom of burnout, especially in women of color. When we are so passionate about something and feel pressure to “do” all the time, it can be extremely difficult to take a step back. We want to take on all the responsibilities and make it work even if we’re exhausted, frustrated, and resentful at the end of the day.

After seeking out therapy, Chandrea realized that vacation is only a temporary band-aid. What she really needed was to get to the root of her burnout… self-worth.

When you’re on a journey of change or growth, it can feel like you need to be using 100% of your energy, almost like you won’t be worthy of anything unless you’re constantly striving for success. In reality, that’s exhausting and unrealistic. We need to take breaks, intentionally engage in growth, and then have downtime for restoration.

Seeking out structure and support, especially if you're a leader or an entrepreneur, is going to help you grow and maintain balance in life. Your self-worth is not dependent on how much work you can do each day or how many times you can say “yes” to people who ask something of you.

3 Tips for Overcoming Burnout:

  • Look at how you spend your time and recognize how long it actually takes to get stuff done. You can’t fix what you can’t face.

  • Listen to your body. How do you feel? What is your body telling you? Can you slow down just enough to notice what’s happening in your body and your mind? You carry stress in your body, your body will give you signs, and there are devastating consequences to not listening. So often, we just keep telling ourselves “I’ll be fine” and “Keep pushing”... but maybe you won’t be. Be curious and explore how your body is being affected by burnout.

  • Create thoughts (which turn into beliefs) that “it doesn’t have to be this way, something else is possible.” What if your impact in the world could be easy?

Don’t keep pushing. Take care of yourself, create space for yourself, and listen to your body. Clear some things off your schedule. Take a breath. You may feel guilty and that’s okay. That’s how you create space to ensure you’re doing what you need to do to stay healthy and vibrant.

So, how are you going to shift your relationship with burnout?

About Chandrea Brown:

Chandrea Brown is a Burnout Preventionist and Connector of Dots.

She has literally spent nearly half of her earthly life in the Data Engineering, Data Analytics & Data Visualization profession, and regularly geeks out on all things Project Management. Her professional experience spans a variety of industries including health care, manufacturing, retail, and government.

As a 2-time Burnout Survivor, Chandrea is also deeply-DEEPLY passionate about letting anyone who will listen know that “there is another way”. BURNOUT does NOT have to be our modus operandi.

Chandrea specifically specializes in helping big-hearted, purpose-driven Changemakers and entrepreneurs define, design, and strategically walk out an intentional WORK-n-LIFE of alignment, impact, ease and flow!

To connect further with Chandrea Brown:
Visit her website: https://chandreabrown.com
Follow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/iamchandreabrown
Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/chandreabrown

Watch the full video interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Zt2mWE3Zdfk

  • Leave a review and share this podcast, or DM me on social media to let me know your thoughts on this topic!

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