The Power of Defining What “Having it All” Means to YOU with Kacie Lett Gordon & Katie Mullins

— EPISODE 43 —


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What if you were to enjoy the process of creating a happy life instead of constantly embodying the notion that you don’t “have it all”? How would life feel different to you?

When we hear the phrase “it’s a journey, not a destination,” it can feel so cliche, almost to the point where it lacks meaning… but we need to give depth to this concept because it has the power to rid us of our suffering.

Today’s Unconditionally Worthy guests are Kacie Lett Gordon and Katie Mullins, Co-Founders of IT ALL Media, the #1 destination for modern women redefining "it all". This dynamic duo exists to document new narratives, amplify women's voices, facilitate a movement of women who support and protect one another, and ultimately break down - in order to rebuild - systems that don't serve women.

In this episode, we talk about why it’s so powerful to define what “having it all” means to you and how to go about doing that. We shine light on the challenges and tension women experience when trying to pursue having it all, the power of trusting your intuition, and how self-worth plays a role in defining “it all” for you. We also explore Katie’s and Kacie’s unique self-worth journeys and what it looks like to show up in life no longer trying to prove that you are worthy.

So many women spend decades working towards a destination, hoping that they'll finally feel good about themselves, happy, and at peace once they have all the things that they think they should have. In reality, the external stuff isn’t going to give you the peace, joy, and fulfillment that you want. You have to reroute and take a journey within to embrace who you are and your unconditional worth holistically, regardless of what you have.

Embracing your unconditional self-worth is a new way of being with yourself. 

This isn’t a linear journey. Self-worth often fluctuates depending on our life experiences and that’s okay! What’s important is that we have the practices and tools in place to come back to our unconditional worthiness each time it gets challenged.

Tapping into your intuition can be a powerful tool in your self-worth exploration. Connecting with your intuition may be a challenge if you don’t trust yourself or you haven’t tried it before, but all it takes is slowing down, sitting with your thoughts and feelings, and listening to what’s going on inside of you. 

What are your top values? What truly makes you happy? Those are the things we should be choosing each day. To be successful, you don’t always need to grind and hustle and struggle. 

Are you following a life script that someone else has written OR are you following the unique narrative that you have written for yourself? What if you tried trusting your intuition, doing the things that actually make you happy, and not worrying about having it all?

Why should we redefine what having it all means to us?

Katie and Kacie believe that the best compliment you can give a woman shouldn’t be that they’re selfless. As women, we are expected to give 100% into everything we do and we give so much of ourselves to the people around us… but being the main character and the author of our story, taking our power back, and redefining what success and “having it all” means to us is what will best serve us. “When women are actually in a place where they are set up to succeed and they have empowering people around them and they are their best version of themselves because they’re choosing their way forward… that’s when they’re flourishing,” Katie says, “And I think we can only bring those best versions of ourselves… when we are thriving, not just surviving.”

As Kacie says, you are not the stilts that hold up this world. You are the center of your own world and you have to figure out what holds you up. What does your health and wellness look like? What do your friendships and partnership(s) look like? What does motherhood or singlehood look like? What are the components of life that make you YOU and make you fulfilled right now?

How do I know what my “all” is? 

  1. Define it - You can’t create something if you don’t know what it is you’re creating. So, when your power is shaken, what do you do? Katie and Kacie encourage you to go within and develop a meaningful practice around that.

  2. Create it - After visualizing and naming your “all”, identify some steps you can take to get you there. This isn’t an overnight transformation, but something you test out over time.

  3. Own it.*

*You will repeat this process many times in your lifetime because change is inevitable. There is no end state, no ultimate destination. The more we make it okay to change our definition of having it all, the more we can understand ourselves and hold space for others to do the same.

Become the center of your world. Slow down and ask yourself: what do I truly want? Choose what makes you happy and abundant. Don’t wait until something catastrophic happens. Stop comparing yourself to others. Acknowledge the differences we have between us while giving love and respect to ourselves and one another. Own your worthiness. Once you start practicing that, you might just feel like you actually DO have it all…

About Katie Mullins and Kacie Lett Gordon:

Katie Mullins and Kacie Lett Gordon are co-founders, best friends, storytellers, and even neighbors. In January 2021, they created IT ALL Media - the #1 destination for modern women redefining "it all". They exist to document new narratives, amplify women's voices, facilitate a movement of women who support and protect one another, and ultimately break down - in order to rebuild - systems that don't serve women.

To connect further with Katie, Kacie, and IT ALL Media:
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