How Self-Worth Impacts Your Money with Rashida Thomas

— EPISODE 56 —


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This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

Do you feel worthy of receiving financial abundance?

In this episode, I welcome Rashida Thomas, a Financial Wellness Expert and Founder of FinRose, a financial wellness company that provides tools to help individuals build a healthier relationship with money.

Listen in to hear Rashida talk about how self-worth impacts your relationship with money, the biggest challenges people face in their journey to financial abundance, and 5 ways you can start feeling more financially worthy today. Plus, Rashida tells us how she has used her financial wisdom to coach herself through the transition from corporate life to full-time entrepreneurship.

Can you feel worthy when you’re not working hard? 

Can you feel worthy when you’re not working at all? 

Are you able to just be

We often believe that we have to frantically hustle to get money so that we can feel abundant and at ease. Rashida is proof that when you get yourself into a space of ease and abundance first, the money will come to you more easily and the amount of money won’t matter as much.

“I had to open myself up to receive and I had to trust and be able to talk about what I need in those moments a) to not feel bad about it and b) to trust that people will deliver. And they did.”

- Rashida Thomas

5 Tips for Feeling Financially Worthy:

  • Open yourself up to receiving.

  • Ask for what you need. 

  • Unlearn the money memories that no longer serve you.

  • Surround yourself with people who feel financially abundant.

  • Prioritize self-care and play.

Opening Yourself Up To Receiving

Black women are socialized to give, but not to receive. Then, we feel resentful because no one is offering to help. Anyone can experience this issue, but it’s an issue that’s very prevalent in the African-American community. So, if you feel this, you’re definitely not alone!

If you’re closed off to receiving financial abundance, you’re essentially communicating to the world, “don’t give anything to me”. Instead, get comfortable with the practice of receiving. This could start with receiving compliments with a simple “thank you”.

Check in with the way you react to those who want to help you or give you something. Do your responses show that you’re open to receiving?

Asking For What You Need

Get comfortable with asking for what you need. Don’t try to figure this out all on your own and don’t feel bad about communicating what you need. Whether that’s asking for a raise from your boss or help from your community, the worst that can happen is they say “no” and you move on.

Unlearning The Money Memories That No Longer Serve You

Each of us were raised learning different beliefs about money and these will influence our beliefs about money well into adulthood. Investigate the ways you were taught (or not taught) about money, the financial habits your parents had, and find out what unhealthy beliefs and behaviors are still lingering in your life. What beliefs are holding you back from financial abundance? What can you let go of?

First give yourself grace, then break ties.

Surrounding Yourself With People Who Feel Financially Abundant

People say all the time that “your network is your net worth”... but how worthy are you going to feel if your network is constantly going off about how broke they are? If you have people around you that frequently talk about money in a negative manner, that’s going to rub off on you sooner or later. The more you can surround yourself with people who feel financially abundant and who are open to receiving, the more you can, too.

This is an excellent time to exercise your boundary-setting skills!

Prioritizing Self-Care & Play

When you wake up in the morning, are you tending to your needs or the needs of others first? Embracing self-care and playfulness without feeling guilty will have a major influence in you feeling worthy of joy, care, and abundance. Your money is meant to bring you joy, so let it!

Going for a walk, doing a little meditation, and taking a bath sounds a lot more helpful than spending 5 more hours anxiously researching side hustle ideas!

What we do can be the portal to financial stability, but it’s not the portal to financial abundance. The portal to financial abundance is what we be

If you believed you were financially worthy, what abundance would you want in your life? Dream big!

About Rashida Thomas:

Rashida Thomas is the Founder of FinRose, a financial wellness company which provides tools to help individuals build a healthier relationship with money. As a Certified Financial Education Instructor my mission is to help others bring awareness to the origin of their money story, establish healthier money habits, and apply the proper tools and strategies to successfully tackle debt. 

To connect further with Rashida:

Watch the full video episode on YouTube:

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