Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

It’s Been a Hard Year, Here’s How I’ve Been Coping

This has been a hard year for me. Not all bad by any measure but definitely hard.

I started the year out with big goals and plans for my business and met very few of them.

My themes for this year were fun and ease and, ironically, I struggled with both of those things.

I experienced the resurgence of self-worth challenges that I thought I had resolved and was reminded of the ongoing nature of our self-worth journeys.

I’m sharing this with you because I want to be open and honest about my own self-worth journey, not just where I’ve been (there are many episodes where I’ve shared that) but where I am now and how I’m moving through the challenging periods in my life.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

You Have the Power to Design Your Life with Jamila Reddy

Have you been trying to avoid failure and disappointment and ended up living on the sidelines of life? Have you been so worried about the opinions of others or caught up in people pleasing that you have become disconnected from the desires of your heart?

I know these are deep questions but they are so important to wrestle with if we want to claim our worth, design our lives, and start living full out. This is exactly what my guest and I talk about on this episode of Unconditionally Worthy. Jamila Reddy, a transformational coach, intuitive guide, writer, and breathwork facilitator is my guest on this week’s episode and I can’t wait for you to listen to our powerful conversation and see the shifts it helps you to make in your life.

Listen in as we discuss how to design a life that you truly desire, cultivating practices to tolerate disappointment so you can get out on the field of life and play full out, and how breathwork helped Jamila move through deep grief.

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