How to Improve Your Relationship With Yourself & Your Food with Wendy Lopez & Jessica Jones
Is your relationship to food feeling like a burden? Do you want to improve your relationship with yourself and make healthier choices? Do you want to feel a sense of freedom and joy when it comes to food?
In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Wendy Lopez & Jessica Jones, nationally recognized Registered Dietitians, Certified Diabetes Educators, and Co-Founders of Food Heaven. Tune in to learn about the intersection of self-worth and food, how to improve your relationship with food, and practical recommendations for developing body trust and making healthier food choices.
How Pregnancy Helped Me to Honor My Body
In spite of the world’s feedback, are you willing to claim your brilliance, claim your space, call forward who you’re here to be, and determine for yourself that you are worthy?