Why You Need Community on Your Self-Worth Journey

— EPISODE 29 —


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Having low self-worth is lonely and isolating. Don’t you agree? When we struggle with low self-worth, it can be difficult to talk about it with friends and family. And rightly so!

I know just how scary it can be to voice your feelings of low self-worth to others for fear of it being true… what if I’m really not worthy of love or success?

But in reality, it’s also difficult to put up a facade of strength and togetherness when we know we’re struggling. So, what’s worse? The truth of the matter is if we don’t have a community to turn to during our self-worth journey, we end up feeling alone and vastly unsupported which is not what we want.

I struggled with low self-worth, feeling alone and isolated, and it took me a while to finally be honest about my struggles and ask for help. It also took me a long time to realize that talking about my feelings in therapy is not the same as having a community to rely on. Your community can be made up of your family, friends, workout buddies, colleagues, coworkers, neighbors, and like-minded individuals that care about your well-being.


Why do we need community on our journey to unconditional self-worth?

  • There’s a different kind of power in sharing your story honestly and having people listen to you, resonate with you, and share helpful advice or wisdom from their experiences. 

  • When we connect to supportive people, we’re reminded that we are worthy and lovable just as we are. When we lose sight of our worthiness or return to old patterns of habit, it’s so helpful to have people there to remind us of our unconditional worthiness.

  • Allowing yourself to receive love and support from a community is a great way to practice receiving love and support from individuals, like a romantic partner.

Having a strong community of like-minded people there for you is so powerful, especially for women and people of color. When we come together, there’s no limit to what we can achieve, how much we can grow and learn, and how much we can continue to support each other. Remember, if you’re not honest about what you’re going through and what kind of help you need, it’s going to be very hard for others to help and support you. 

How to Find the Right Community for You:

  • Consider opening up to a close friend about what you’re going through and see if they show up in a way that’s helpful and supportive. Then, consider talking about creating an intentional relationship where you support each other’s personal growth, hold each other accountable, and encourage each other along the journey.

  • Be mindful about the friends you choose to surround yourself with as well as the dynamics of your existing friendships. Do they serve you and your self-worth journey?

  • Tune in to your religious or spiritual community and see if there are groups you can join or people to connect with. 

  • Joining group therapy or group coaching programs can be great ways to broaden your community or get you used to speaking in groups and connecting with new people. Tune in to this episode to learn about my Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program!

When it comes to your self-worth journey, there’s no doubt that community is essential. Building and nurturing a community of loving people around you will only support you in becoming the most confident version of yourself; the version who knows how unconditionally worthy they truly are.


If you’re ready to start building your community and embracing your unconditional self-worth…

Connect With Me:


The Peace that Comes from Knowing You’re Worthy With Donita Cook


Overcoming Oppression and Trauma With the Power of Self-Worth With Corey Williams