Why You Should Be Intentional on Your Self-worth Journey

— EPISODE 31 —


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Some people think therapy is a cure-all for issues related to the Self, especially feelings of low self-worth. But that’s far from the truth.

While therapy got me on the path to connecting with my self-worth, it didn’t give me a clear direction for how to get there. So, I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for or what I needed to do.

I didn’t understand the core problem I was having. I didn’t understand that the underlying issue I was dealing with was a self-worth issue. Thus, therapy was helpful, but it wasn't sufficient in getting me to a place of fully embracing my unconditional self-worth.

I then started reading books and listening to spiritual teachers. Their teachings opened my eyes to the fact that we are more than what we do and that there’s something bigger and deeper in each of us that we can connect to. They also helped me to understand that there are core parts of myself that are good enough and worthy without striving and achieving.


Through therapy and various spiritual teachers, I began to practice mindfulness, self-compassion, and kindness - the same things I was preaching to my clients!

I learned that embracing my unconditional self-worth was the solution to the many challenges I was experiencing in life, like burnout, loneliness, financial struggles, the tendency to settle in unfulfilling relationships, etc.

This journey took me so much longer than it needed to… about 8 years, actually! It took this long because I didn’t have specific guidance and clear practices around connecting to my self-worth. I didn’t know what I needed to do in order to make a fundamental shift. It was like I was roaming around in the wilderness trying to find my way home without a compass or a map. Talk about treacherous!

So, possibly like you, I know what it’s like to spend years trying to find the answers to my problems. And yes, I eventually figured out how to guide myself to a strong foundation of unconditional self-worth. But will it take you just as long?

The great news is… fully embracing your self-worth does NOT have to take that long.

Going on this journey with intention and investing some time, energy, and even money into this expedition will make a difference in your life. I encourage you to GO FOR IT! Don’t wait until a huge crisis arises. Start now. Use the resources and support systems available to you so you can stop wasting time, finally discover your unconditional self-worth, and start living your best life.

Life is so good when you know you’re unconditionally worthy, so why waste another day, week, or year believing you’re not?


Feeling inspired to seek out the guidance you need?

  • Apply now for the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/program. The next cohort starts the week of January 17th.

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The Power of Embracing Your Unconditional Self-Worth with Natasha Koscak


The Peace that Comes from Knowing You’re Worthy With Donita Cook