The Magic That Happens When You Embrace Your Unconditional Self-Worth

— EPISODE 33 —


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As we end 2021 and prepare for 2022, I think it’s the perfect time to reflect on the many blessings that we’ve experienced over the past year or even the past several years.

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on how magical my life has been since I embraced my unconditional self-worth and I want you to experience that magic, too.

When you believe you are unconditionally worthy, there are two types of benefits you experience. The first benefit you’ll experience is getting rid of, healing from, or moving on from the things that drag you down in life. Whether it be people-pleasing, overworking yourself, a lack of boundaries or relentless anxiety… embracing your unconditional worthiness enables you to free yourself from that.

The other benefit you’ll experience from embracing your unconditional self-worth is that it brings so many amazing things into your life. That’s what we’re focusing on in this episode. Together, we’re exploring the magic that happens when you embrace your unconditional self-worth.

You ARE worthy and you have to know that to be able to attract and receive great things.

Before I knew how worthy I was, I felt anxious all the time, especially in relationships, and I worried so much about proving my worth to everyone. I even changed myself in order to be accepted and fit in... except that never worked. I was obsessed with overworking myself and overachieving. Eventually, work became the only place I felt good enough. How unhealthy is that!?

My life wasn’t totally miserable, I did have moments of joy and fun, but I knew deep down that there was something more to life. Does that resonate with you at all?

Now, let’s talk about the specific yet magical things that I’ve experienced since connecting with my unconditional self-worth:

I met my husband! 

I was always a proactive dater, on ALL the apps, with a fear that I’d be alone forever. After I ended the relationship with my ex, who didn’t love me (you can listen to the details about that in episode 2), the way I engaged in dating shifted. I was still proactive, but I wasn’t desperate. I paid attention to what I liked and didn’t like about the person I was dating. 

This set the stage for me to meet Jason. We both swiped right and quickly transitioned from chatting to setting up a phone call to a wonderful first date, which Jason planned. From there, everything progressed easily. Instead of being desperate to earn someone’s love or to be chosen by a potential date, I engaged in our relationship with ease, way less anxiety, and with my best interest in mind. I was finally willing to allow the good into my life.

I feel financially abundant and secure!

I spent a lot of time, especially when I was in college, feeling like I never had enough money and not truly believing that the work I was doing was worthy of being compensated appropriately. This was also supported by the belief that I shouldn’t want to have a lot of money because that would make me greedy or would mean that I wasn’t in the helping profession for the right reasons. Ouch!

This all began to shift after fully embracing my unconditional self-worth. I’ve talked about getting out of the scarcity mindset and into an abundance mindset in episode 12, so be sure to check out that episode for all the details. 

In the two years after I did my TEDx talk, I more than doubled my income by getting a new job with a significantly higher salary and doing a number of well-paid speaking engagements. After years of doing workshops and speaking, I finally had the courage to charge what my speaking and expertise were worth. I owned my worth and my talents and my finances reflected that. Knowing I’m worthy has enabled me to both attract and welcome financial abundance into my life.

Lastly, SURPRISE! I’m pregnant!

Jason and I knew we wanted to start trying to have children quickly after getting married. I’m 36 and we’d like to have two children so we figured it would be best to start the process as soon as possible. We were incredibly blessed to get pregnant quickly and easily within two months of trying and are over the moon excited to be welcoming a baby girl into the world in May of 2022! 

This is not to say that those who have a challenging fertility journey are to blame for that experience. I don’t believe that at all. I think there are a lot of factors that go into each person’s unique fertility journey. These are just my thoughts regarding my personal experience with fertility.

I believe that being firmly grounded in my worthiness, having positive expectations about becoming pregnant, and looking forward to being a mother not as a way to prove that I am worthy as a woman, but as an opportunity to nurture a human being in this world, supported me in getting pregnant in a way that feels magical.

I could go on and on about all of the magic that has been present in my life since I’ve embraced my unconditional self-worth but this episode and these show notes would be far too long! 

I encourage you to consider the magical possibilities that knowing you’re worthy could bring into your life. The biggest thing to remember is that when you are grounded in your worthiness, when you trust yourself and trust life, when you are tapped into your internal wisdom and have released yourself from burdens of the past, you’re put in a space to receive all of the wonderful things you’ve been wanting in life. 


Want 2022 to be a magical year for you?

If you’re ready to make a commitment to yourself and start 2022 off in the best way possible, I would love for you to join me for my FREE masterclass about 3 Secrets to Having a Magical Year in 2022

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You’re More Responsible Than You Think


The Power of Embracing Your Unconditional Self-Worth with Natasha Koscak