How to Stop Catastrophizing and Ask For Help with Maria Gamboa

— EPISODE 53 —


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Have you ever wondered what a coaching session with me is like? This is your lucky day!

In this episode, we’re doing something we have NEVER done before on The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast. I’m coaching someone LIVE so you can get a big glimpse into what it looks like to be coached by me and to actively work through issues related to self-worth.

I’m sitting down with Maria Gamboa, PhD, a first generation immigrant, mother, wife, and former academic who currently works as a consultant helping nonprofits and foundations develop strategic plans. Maria is currently navigating difficulties in being compassionate to herself, expressing her needs and asking for help, and feeling safe and at peace in her life. 

Maria is aware of how these challenges are negatively impacting her life, and she’s actively working towards feeling worthy as she is, but this coaching session is going to take her to the next level of her self-worth journey. Maria has found that she doesn’t like the habits she’s using to survive the chaos of life, so we’re seeing what new habits or behaviors she can practice to cultivate more abundance and peace. Ultimately, we want Maria to THRIVE, not just survive.

In this session, we discuss how she can healthily cope with stress and fear, how she can prioritize time for herself as a working mother and wife, and how she can break the cycle of catastrophizing every little bump in the road.

While you sit in on this coaching session, think about whether this style of coaching would be beneficial to you and your self-worth. If you’re considering enrolling in the Fall 2022 cohort of the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program, don’t hesitate to reach out via email or Instagram with any questions!

Self-Worth Issues Maria and I Address in This Coaching Session:

  • Maria struggles with letting go of control, worrying about others too much, and expecting others to give her what she gives to them. People are not mind readers. Learning how to express your needs and ask for help is a huge step in connecting to your worthiness. Maria and I explore when she developed the need to have it all together and be in control, as well as what it looks like to ask for help when she needs it. 

    Self-Worth Tip: Ask yourself, what makes it uncomfortable for me to ask for help? It’s time to dig deep!

  • Maria tends to catastrophize very easily, which doesn’t serve her health, her career, and her relationships. Maria and I explore what happens in her mind that leads her to catastrophize and how she can end that thought pattern. We focus on how to effectively embrace mistakes and failures and how to use compassion and mindfulness to work through embarrassment, perfectionism, and the fear of being unreliable.

    Self-Worth Tip: When you “mess up”, imagine your younger self, put a hand on your chest, and speak kind affirmations to yourself. You can never go wrong with, “It’s okay, I love you, I’m here for you.”

  • Being an immigrant and a mother impacts Maria’s feelings of self-worth. In our session, diving deep into her past uncovers what has blocked her from fully loving who she is, getting her needs met, and feeling safe and soothed in times of chaos.

    Self-Worth Tip: Remember that YOU matter and YOU come first.

Did you enjoy being a fly on the wall for my coaching session with Maria?

Apply to join the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program by visiting

About Maria Gamboa:

Maria is a first generation immigrant, mother, wife, former academic and historian, and currently works as a consultant helping nonprofits and foundations develop strategic plans. She grew up in the US and Mexico, lived for ten years in Chicago, and is currently based in San Diego. She loves zumba, running, karaoke, and fish tacos. Recently Maria launched a blog where she examines mental health in the workplace for first generation professionals.

To connect further with Maria:

Watch the full video episode on YouTube:

  • Leave a review and share this podcast, or DM me on social media to let me know your thoughts on this topic!

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