The Daily Benefits of Believing You Are Unconditionally Worthy with Deslynne Roberts

— EPISODE 52 —


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Since the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program is back open for enrollment, I thought it would be a great time to highlight the self-worth journey of one of our former members.

Meet Deslynne Roberts, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Consultant, Writer, and one of my former group coaching members. Deslynne is also the founder and owner of Embodied Therapeutic Services, LLC., a private practice focused on therapeutic services, consultancy with a focus on bringing the mind, body and spirit in balance for optimum mental and emotional wellness.

In this episode, Deslynne sheds light on her unique experience in the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program along with how her daily life has benefitted from it. She shares how her personal life is different after the program and how it’s impacted her work as a therapist. Then, Deslynne offers words of wisdom and encouragement for those of you who are finding your self-worth journey difficult.

If you’re considering enrolling in the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program, definitely listen to this episode so you can hear all about it and see if it’s right for you!

Self-worth journeys are often long and complex with many layers to peel back over time. We encounter different parts of our self-worth that need healing at different times, and that’s okay! It’s also common for your support systems to change and evolve throughout your journey. For Deslynne, she utilized therapy and even a self-love retreat to connect to her worthiness, but there was still a feeling of dissatisfaction she had with her life. She needed to get to the root of her dissatisfaction. 

“It’s just amazing what I discovered through this process. As a mental health professional, therapy is great… but this just gave me a little more depth to understanding who I was and what I need to really focus on as I continue in life.”

- Deslynne Roberts

In the program, she wrote vows to herself and truly committed to her self-worth journey. In this episode, Deslynne shares what she learned about her childhood during the program and how that has impacted her self-worth throughout her life. She speaks on how the affirmations and meditations in each module, especially the ones on forgiveness and self-compassion, helped her heal and accept herself. 

Daily Benefits Deslynne Received From the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program:

  1. Deslynne learned the importance of not being so hard on yourself. It’s okay to mess up or feel down every once in a while, just be gentle with yourself. Your experiences will shape you, but they don’t define you.

  2. Recognizing the power of self-worth as a therapist, Deslynne realized that self-worth is often the missing piece in her own clients’ healing. Now, she helps them to understand how their childhood impacted their current life and self-worth. That’s the ripple effect in action!

  3. Deslynne experienced a major perspective shift and learned that she is not the problem. She recognized what she wants and that she deserves it. This led to her to find an amazing new job and negotiate a higher salary!

  4. Deslynne is now able to attach value to what she asks for in her relationships with others. She knows how to prioritize the time she spends with people and when she needs to take a step back in a relationship.

  5.  Deslynne no longer feels stress and anxiety at work which enables her to help more people. You don’t have to be perfect to succeed. If you slow down and listen to your body, if you embrace not overworking yourself, you’ll be able to be a better leader and enjoy work so much more.

“When you come to the end, you see a different you. You experience a different you and you have an opportunity to go back and reshape and reaffirm and dig a bit deeper into your own self. The program is priceless for me.”

- Deslynne Roberts

Are you resonating? Apply to join the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program by visiting Feel free to DM me on Instagram if you have any questions!

If you’re interested in joining the FREE 5-Day You Won’t Break My Soul Challenge, sign up at and invite a friend or a few to join you!

About Deslynne Roberts:

Deslynne Roberts is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Indiana and Illinois. She is a British National of Caribbean descent, now living in the United States. Deslynne currently provides clinical leadership and clinical oversight to experienced and early career clinicians for a nationwide social services organization. Deslynne is also the founder and owner of Embodied Therapeutic Services, LLC. - a private practice focused on therapeutic services, consultancy with a focus on bringing the mind, body and spirit in balance for optimum mental and emotional wellness.

In her spare time, Deslynne enjoys cooking, walking, yoga, exercising, traveling, and she is a lover of curry and roti, infused with the sweet sound of calypso music and cool island vibes!

To connect further with Deslynne:

Visit her website: 

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Watch the full video episode on YouTube:

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