Knowing Your Human Design Helps You Claim Your Worth with Dr. Naieema Jackson

— EPISODE 82 —


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  • Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:00:00] With this tool, you're then able to see, because I'm an intuitive business strategist, I'll talk from business. You're able to see how best to communicate with your audience, how best to show up in relationships, not for you to be as robot, but how you feel less resistance, how you feel more at ease. And when you begin to live it and trust you, it's amazing.

    [cheerful music starts]

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:00:30] Welcome to the Unconditionally Worthy Podcast. In this podcast, I will guide you on your journey to connect with the true source of your self-worth. Each week we'll discuss barriers to unconditional self-worth, the connection between self-worth and relationships, self-worth practices you can apply to your life. And how to use self-worth as a foundation for living courageously. I'm your host, Dr. Adia Gooden, a licensed clinical psychologist, dance enthusiast, and a dark chocolate lover who believes deeply that you are worthy unconditionally.

    Hello and welcome to another episode of the Unconditionally Worthy Podcast. I am getting ready, gearing up both in terms of choosing my outfits and preparing emotionally to leave my daughter to go to Puerto Rico. Next week I'm attending a conference, a business summit for entrepreneurs that centers BIPOC and women entrepreneurs. And so I'm super excited to get out of cold gray Chicago. And if you know me, you know that I'm a Southern California girl and I love the sunshine. And so I'm ready to leave this for a little bit and get into the 80-degree, 80-plus-degree weather, the beaches, all of that in San Juan, Puerto Rico. And I'm also having some feelings because I'm leaving Amani and yeah, I'm going to be gone for four days. And so that's the longest period of time that I have left her. I've had some quick kind of speaking gigs, trips in and out that I did in the fall.

    And those were challenging. But this is the longest period of time. So my heart is sort of oh, I hope she's okay. I know she'll be fine physically, right? Jason will be here, the nanny will be here, but I'm going to be gone. And she's not verbal yet. I want her to know that I'm going to be back and we can't really FaceTime because she gets upset when she sees me, but I can't pick her up and hold her. So that's not an option. So anyway, I am going to be offering a lot of grace and compassion for myself so that I can be present and really enjoy the conference and enjoy Puerto Rico and a lot of grace and compassion for Amani, for however she's feeling and for Jason as he holds down the fort while I'm away.

    So that's kind of what's going on in my life. I'm recording this in mid-January, even though you're going to be listening to it probably in April or May, but that's when we're recording. So I'm super excited about the guest today. She is Dr. Naieema Jackson. She's a certified human design coach reader. And we get into how human design can help inform your life, how it can help you claim your worth. And she even breaks down some of my chart for me. So I think it's a really fun episode. If you've ever heard about human design, this is going to give you some really great insights. We also tell you how to look up your chart. If you haven't heard of human design, keep listening because this is a way to really kind of think about and own who you are in the world and design your life around that instead of trying to fit yourself into a box or into a system that doesn't work for you. So it's a really great episode and I know you're going to get so much love out of it. Let's dive in.

    [cheerful music ends]

    I am so excited to welcome our guest onto the podcast today. I have Dr. Naieema Jackson with me. She is a 5/2 splenic projector. You're going to learn what that means as we go into the podcast. A mom, a speaker, and an intuitive business strategist and human design expert for women online business service providers. Dr. Naieema has a PhD in nursing and did this work for 20 years. After climbing the corporate and academic ladder, she realized that she was not willing to work 40-plus hours a week for the rest of her life to prove herself to other unhappy people, all while earning less as a woman of color. So in December of 2019, she started her coaching business and it took six figures in, in the first year, but she was doing the copy and paste strategies and treating herself as an employee, working 50-plus hours a week.

    She was quickly approaching burnout. So she learned human design, learned that she's a projector, and created a six-figure business working 12 hours a week. As a certified human design reader and intuitive business strategist, Dr. Naieema, helps online service providers who've created jobs for themselves and who are experiencing burnout use their human design to build wildly profitable businesses. And Dr. Naieema is calling in joining me on the podcast today from Playa del Carmen in Mexico. So I can already tell that she walks the talk and she practices what she preaches. And I am so excited to welcome you on to the show today,

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:05:21] Dr. Adia. I'm so excited to be here. You have no idea, offline, I was telling her I was listening to her podcast, and I feel like I'm home already. Yes. So let's get this going.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:05:32] Awesome. Awesome. Well, I want to start with my sort of question that I ask everyone. I like to do deep dives. We go right into the deep end, which is by asking you to share about your own self-worth journey.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:05:46] I'm a black woman in America. So every time you turn around, I'm not good enough. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not feminine enough, I'm not enough. Those are the messages that I received on top of growing up as a very impoverished child. We were very poor child. So I had a lot of, you're not worthy because you're a black woman. You're not worthy because you're not feminine enough, you're not worthy because you're not submissive enough, you're not worthy because you're broke. All those things came up for me. And I really didn't start my own self-worth journey until probably my early thirties. Because I thought that everything was okay. I climbed the corporate ladder, the academic ladder, I did all that climbed corporate ladder, had a six figure salary. And then I got up there and I was like is this it? So I tied my worth to this Ladder.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:06:43] Yep.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:06:44] Now I'm here. I still don't feel worthy. I feel empty. Something is wrong. And I stumbled upon human design and I read it a little bit. It validated me. But I still threw it away because I was still stuck in Christianity. No offense to anyone who's a Christian, but this is my story. Okay. I was stuck in Christianity. I was stuck in a book being the thing that I'm supposed to do. Being safe. And so I threw away the projector thing. I was no, that's not of God. And then my intuition kept pulling me back to it. But it took me about two or three years. I was already in my business for a year before I really got into it again. And I realized that I tied my profession, the amount of hours I worked and how much I gave of myself to people to my worth.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:07:38] Yep.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:07:40] And as a projector, I don't have the energy for that shit. Which is why I was always irritable, yelling at my children, not wanting to be around anybody because I was overgiving when I didn't have the energy to do that. So once I really kind of learned more about my human design and also astrology, I also do some astrology as well. My human design and my astrology and who I'm supposed to be. Oh, I know I'm the shit now.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:08:04] I love it.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:08:06]I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:08:08] Yes. Yes.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:08:10] This is why these tools are important for me and the clients who work with me.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:08:14] Thank you for sharing that. I mean, I certainly resonate with your story. I sort of also have gone that road of getting the doctorate, climbing the ladder, doing all the things, getting to the top and being like wait, this is where I was climbing and overworking to try to get to this whole time, this ain't it. And I know that so many of the listeners are also going to resonate with kind of that sort of like pursuit and that achievement and all of those things. And I also like that you sort of talked about having these sort of pulls on your intuition and not listening, right? Because something that you believed in outside of yourself, you decided you were going to trust that more than you were going to trust your intuition at first.

    And eventually, you got to a point, I know in your bio, I read like you were on the brink of burnout, right? Eventually, it was sort of like I got to listen to this. And then I also love this part of your story, which is when you listen and trust your intuition and when you connect it to the truth of who you're, then everything opens up, right? Then the true success emerges easily with ease, with peace, with joy.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:09:27] I always tell people to this day, my highest growth in month in my business was when I was like I'm going to take this month off. I'm going to do, I'm going to delve on that because I still had clients just to care for, I posted on social media maybe like four times that whole month. That was my highest growth. I was in a park grounding myself, put my feet in the grass, reading my favorite book. And I was like I just not chasing anything anymore. And that was before knew I was a projector. I knew I was a projector but I had not really like embodied it. And when I finally started to learn more about human design, it was like yeah. As a projector, you have to wait for the invitation. You put yourself out there, then you go to the park, go do whatever you like to do, you expose yourself, put yourself on social media platform then go back to your business. The right people will see it and invite you in. When you start to learn, you don't got to chase things.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:10:24] Yep. Yep.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:10:26] It's another level. And that's what human design does for you. It teaches you how to be you, how to live authentically you without chasing, hustling, comparing yourself and without the copy and paste strategies a lot of coaches give you.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:10:38] Mm-Hmm.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:10:40] And my first year as a coach, I was giving copy and paste strategies because that's all I knew to give.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:10:45] Well, and I'm going to ask you in just one second to kind of like break down and explain human design. I'm guessing a lot of the people listening don't know what it is yet. So I'm going to ask you that for a second. But I just also want to note that what often coaches do, teachers do, kind of everybody does, is they figure out this is what worked for me. So I'm going to tell you do this exact same thing for you. I'm going to give you this sort of certainty that's a little bit of a false certainty and tell you do the exact thing. And I love that you're using human design because you're not going to tell everybody to do the same thing, right? So we're going to talk through a little bit of my chart. I'm imagining how you would encourage me to think about how I engage in work-

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:11:39] Very different.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:11:40] Is going to be very different from how you would engage in work, right?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:11:33] Yes.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:11:34] Because I'm not a projector.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:11:34] Yes.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:11:35] And so I love that. I love the personalization because I think so often people struggle, one of the things that contributes to people struggling to feel worthy is people trying to do the thing that society, that parents, that community, that jobs, schools tell them they have to do to be successful. And they don't fit within that model. And they think something is wrong with me. Versus there's something wrong with a society and a system that says everybody should be the same in order to be successful.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:12:03] Yep. And that's the problem. That's the problem. And I fell into that. Doing all the things, hustling, hustling, sending random DMS to strangers, all the things that my coaches told me to do that was never meant to work for me based off my human design type. Never meant to. And I have a lot of clients and I have one client who is extremely successful. She already had a seven-figure business, but she realized that she is Man Gen, because 85% of my clients are manifest generators. I don't know why-

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:12:31] That's me.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:12:32] Exactly. All manifest, and you know what? The funny thing is, let me just segue a little bit. Not only most my clients manifest generators, my romantic partner, my mom.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:12:41] That's so interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:12:41] I’m like what the hell is that about.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:12:41] I guess we need a projector in our life. Give some balance.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:12:52] And I need the manifestors. But she came to me and I remember her saying, I took this business to seven figures. But I don't want to do it anymore. And, now everybody's thinking I'm crazy. And when I literally said to her, you're a manifesting generator. If you don't want to do it anymore, don't you? That's literally how you're designed. You do it until it lights you up and then once it no longer lights you up. I'm not saying just leave it and don't do the proper thing.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:13:12] Right.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:13:13] But you know what I'm saying. And we'll talk more about manifest generators when we look at your chart. Because some of the things I told her I'm going to tell you.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:13:19] Ok. Awesome. Okay. So let's break down. Help people understand sort of high level, what is human design. How can they start to think about kind of applying to their lives?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:13:31] So human design is a combination of quite a few things. On physics, astrology, I'Ching and the list goes on. So it's literally a playbook for how you, as the individual can show up in your life with less resistance, less control of the outcome. And just trusting you as you do life. I don't care if it's business, personal life, raising your children, et cetera.

    And with this tool, you're then able to see, because I'm an intuitive business strategist, I'll talk from business, you're able to see how best to communicate with your audience, how best to show up in relationships, not for you to be as robot, but how you feel less resistance. How you feel more at ease. And when you begin to live it and trust you, it's amazing. So I always like to give this example of the human design types, there are five. There's the Projector, the Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Generator and Reflector. So I like to use the example of a play.

    So the manifestor, which makes up about eight to 10% of the population. They're the brainchild. They're going to come up with the play, right? And they don't need to wait for anything. They can just inform the right people and do what they need to do to get this play going. That's your manifestor. Okay. The second one is going to be your projector. Me. We make up about 20% of the population and in the play. We're the director. So we're the guide, we're here to guide you because we see things that the others just don't see.

    But we, our strategy is to make sure that we wait for the invitation. So yeah, we've been invited to direct, we're invited to direct, make sure that we're directing according to what we're required to do. And not being pushy, not being know-it-alls.

    Then you have your generator type. The generator makes them about 33% of the population, maybe 37% of the population. And they are your crew people. They're the worker bees, they're getting shit done. Okay. Their job is to respond to things that light them up. So as they're putting everything together, they may have ideas because they're responding to Ooh. And their ideas are fantastic. Okay. Because they're responding to what lights them up. Hence if they do a business that doesn't light them up, it's not going to be successful. Okay. The fourth one is your manifesting generator. So they're similar to generators, but what makes them different is not only are they the crew people, they're the actors. And they probably also writing out the play, they're multi-passionate, they have the most energy, they're the most efficient

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:16:26] Efficiency, I would say is like my middle name.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:16:31] Yes. They are the most efficient of the human design type in their combination of the manifestor and generator. You would really need to get a human design reading to know if you're more generator or more manifestor.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:16:42] Oh, interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:16:43] Because if you're more manifestor, you can initiate more like a manifestor can but if you are more generator you still have those manifestor qualities, but you still need to wait to respond.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:16:52] Oh, interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:16:53] And lastly are our reflectors, our reflectors would be the audience. They're watching, they're sitting back. They may need to see the play two or three times, for complete clarity. In theory, not theory in reality, they need to wait about 28 days, a lunar cycle to make major decisions in their business and their lives, et cetera. But for the sake of this analogy, they'll watch the play a few times. And the feedback you'll get from reflector, and they only make a 1% population, is much more detailed, much more useful than any of the other types. Do you see therefore if we are trying to do business the same, how that would not work.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:17:33] Or even life, you know what I mean? I think just for those listening, and we'll tell you, I don't know if maybe we'll tell you now and at the end, like how you can actually look up your human design chart-

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:17:44] Yes.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:17:45] So you can figure out at least which of these five types you are. But I think whether you are a business owner, and I would say probably most of my audience isn't entrepreneurs, but I also think it affects, like what kind of roles do you choose in life, right? Because often as we sort of talked about like us high achievers get on this like just higher, higher, higher, higher, higher achievement track. And maybe for somebody who's a projector and a visionary, like yeah, you need to get to that sort of like top visionary level. But the problem with our society is that it forces you to go through all these other levels, which may be like really wrong for you in order to get there.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:18:27] Yes.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:18:28] And then there may be other people who maybe they're generators who it's like you're expected to keep moving up, but you get to these higher levels and it's like well, what am I supposed to respond to?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:18:42] Yes.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:18:43] You know what I mean? And so, even as it helps you to think intentionally and not just follow the ladder, as you said, not just sort of keep going up on the ranks, but to intentionally design your career and your life to be aligned with who you are and who you want to be in the world.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:19:03] Yep.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:19:05] Yeah. So I feel like you've already shared, how this has shaped you and shifted you. So talk a little bit more about how learning that you are a projector has sort of shaped the way that you create and design your own life.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:19:19] Yeah. So as a projector, I've created my life with rest in mind. And human design, there are something called the sacral. You have four motors. Four motors in human design. But the motor, the thing that gives you the most energy is the sacral center. They're nine centers in human design. If you are a non-energy type, like a projector, a manifestor, or reflector, you do not have that sacral energy to keep working all day. So here's what I tell my clients. As a projector or a non-energy type, you have a good two to four hours of being in somebody else's aura doing the work that they need you to do. You can be in other people's aura to crack on but to do the work you do, you have about two to four hours a day. That is it.

    So me knowing that I said, okay, I only have two to four hours a day to coach, be online doing the things I do for business, speaking. Are there times that that's not going to be allowed? Yes. Because I do workshops and some of my workshops are eight hours long, right? We get that. So I said, okay, I can only work maximum of 20 hours a week, five times four, right? I can only work about 20 hours a week. So what am I doing in my business? What am I doing in my life that no longer serves me? But I was doing it because I had like some guilt or some emotion around that. See, a lot of us we make emotional decisions because we have open emotional centers. And we think that that means we have a big heart. Really, it's not about you having a big heart, it's about you not feeling your feelings.

    So when I learned that, I said, okay, who is around? What is around, what am I doing that no longer serve me? I let go of a few clients. People that would just not align with me anymore, gave back their money. So thank you for trusting me, but this is not a working relationship. I got a divorce and started dating a woman, girl. I made sure that my VA, I was using her more effectively because like many women of color, I was scared to delegate even though I had her I was like, but I'm still going to do this. And I was like no she can do that. And when I tell you I do not work more than two or four hours a day. I do not, I don't care what's going on unless it's again, a workshop or if I'm doing a retreat, something like that where it's momentary and it's not a everyday thing. That's how I run my business. And I'm really big on creating content one time a month, I create all my content and I post it on four different social media platforms, the same exact thing. People are like well, you don’t do it different, nope.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:22:13] Oh, the content creation.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:22:14] The same exact video you see on Tiktok, you going to see on Instagram, you going to see on Pinterest, you going to see on Facebook if I feel like it, you are going to see it on LinkedIn. Like that is it. And that's how I live my life.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:22:31] Yeah. What comes up to me as you share that is how, like a deep trust in, you could say the universe, a deep trust in yourself and your worthiness. Like how that is, I think required and part of, sort of embodied in the way you live, right? Because it is so free of hustle. It is so free of, maybe if I do this thing, people will like me and I'll get enough likes, right? It's so free of that. And I think that people struggle with self-worth and trying to prove their worthiness through the production, through the output, through the external just really creates this environment, right? Look, first of all, we have the external environment because we live in a capitalist society that is productivity product, output oriented. And then we have our internal environments where we say, okay, if I just do all the right things and say all the right things and be in all the places, then maybe I will make the money, get the approval, get the acceptance, et cetera. And when you shift away from that, you can see the difference, right? And I imagine.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:23:45] Sure you can.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:23:46] And I use this word trust also because I think there are probably a lot of people listening who like the idea of that would probably give them anxiety, right? How are you going to get it all done?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:23:56] How dare I trust myself? How dare I trust myself? How dare I not trust that religious book that people told me I have to trust? How dare I not trust the people who've made it or who are miserable, but now how do I not trust them? That's hard. Because I was there. I was there. But the one thing that human design will tell you is that, and remember we talked about their nine centers that kind tell you your personality. Most people have an open will center. And with an open will center, you do try to prove yourself through your work. And that can look like hustling in business, that can look like you have a partner who is a shitty ass partner but you know that but you keep trying to work for them, oh it is going to get better, right? My will center is defined. So it wasn't as hard for me still like make the shift.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:24:45] Get out of that.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:24:46] It was still difficult. I was still conditioned, but it was like oh, and then I felt the freedom. I started trusting myself. That's a beautiful thing.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:24:56] Yap, yap.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:24:57] That's what self-worth is, is about finding your worth within yourself.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:25:01] Yes.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:25:02] It's not for other people to tell you how good you are. It's not for other people to tell you, oh, you're radiant now. Even if no one ever tells me, I'm radiant, I'm beautiful. I'm doing it, all the things we want to hear. I now feel that I am worthy because I know who I am supposed to be.

    [cheerful music starts]

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:25:26] Real talk. The relationship that you probably neglect the most is actually the most important relationship in your life. I'm talking about your relationship with yourself. Your relationship with yourself is the foundation of your life. When your relationship with yourself is riddled with self-criticism, you play small. You settle for toxic relationships and you'll struggle to take care of yourself. In contrast, when you build a healthy relationship with yourself, you will go to bed at night feeling good about yourself and what you've accomplished for the day. You'll feel energized in the morning and ready to confidently pursue your goals. Knowing you got this, you'll tell yourself it's not the end of the world when you make a mistake instead of obsessing about it for days on end. And you'll know exactly how to take care of yourself so that it feels good on the inside and out. This is exactly the reality that my course, Date yourself four weeks to a healthy relationship with you helps you to create. This course guides you step-by-step to get rid of self-criticism, practice self-compassion, and take good care of yourself so you can finally get the love and respect you deserve. To learn more and enroll now go to yourself.

    [cheerful music ends]

    All right. So I sent Dr. Naieema my kind of birth information. So basically, and she'll explain this further, but what you need to look up your human design information is your birthdate, your birth time, your birth location. Is there any other information?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:27:09] That's it.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:27:10] So it's really simple.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:27:11] Yep.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:27:12] So can we kind of dive into my chart a little bit? And I mean, I know we can't do a full-

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:27:17] Yes.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:27:18] Reading, but can you share some high-level kind of things and insights and things that you think I should be thinking about in terms of how I am designing and thinking about my life and running my business and those sorts of things?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:27:32] Absolutely. So looking at your chart, I'm actually looking at it now. You are a manifesting Generator and we already said that. Which means that you have lots and lots of ideas.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:27:43] Yes.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:27:44] Okay. And I want to tell you this, it's so important for you to only execute the ideas that light you up. Because what I see when I told you most of my clients are manifesting generators, I see one or two things. They keep starting and stopping or they stay in something long term thinking that something is wrong with them because they're no longer enjoying it. Okay. So there's a decision making tool in human design called your authority.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:28:18] Okay.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:28:19] You have an emotional authority, and another way of saying authority will be intuition, which means that you should not make decisions in the now. There's no truth for you in the now when it comes to major decisions. Of course, you want to eat chicken or steak, you can make that decision now, right? But major decisions, you should not make it when you're on an emotional high level. So you kind of got to just kind of ride your emotion away. And when you're feeling kind of stillness, that's the best time to make major decisions. That includes bringing somebody on your podcast because you may see 'em and get so excited, oh I want them. Write their name down and wait for your emotional wave. It could be a day, it could be two days. Okay. Have you noticed that in your business at all?

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:29:09] I don't know if I could say I noticed it. I have read that before and I know that I am an energy person and so it has helped me to sort of pause or if I feel I think because also, leftover from my people pleasing days, it's like it feels good to say yes in the moment. It feels good to. And so it's like if I sort of feel like oh, I should say yes, but I don't know, then I usually pause and wait and you'll get a delayed response from me. Not that delayed, but like I'm not going to shoot the email back immediately usually because I'm going to think about it for a moment. So in that way I feel like that's kind how I try to practice that.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:29:47] And that's good. And I always say, my emotional authorities, I say to you guys, your favorite question is going to be when it's the latest time I can get back to you. That gives you time to again, ride your emotional wave. It could be the next day, it can be, I need a weekend, whatever. That's fine. But there's no truth for you in the now with major decisions.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:30:09] Interesting

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00: 30:10] And major decisions I define them as the use of your resources, time, money and energy.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:30:16] Okay.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:30:17] That's how I define them. I'm pretty sure you can find another variation. Also as a manifesting generator because you're going to have all these amazing ideas. You should not have a niche per se.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:30:29] Gosh.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:30:30] You should have a lot of many niches.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:30:33] Can I tell you how much I have struggled with this, you got to niche down and I'm like I can't.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:30:39] No, no, no. I literally had a friend, she's a lawyer and I'm like what kind of law do you do? She's like I do family law, I do estate and I do like car accidents. I was like, I said you are a manifesting generator. She is like what? I said let me look at your birth information, She calls her mother and she is like what time was I born mum? Sure enough, she's a manifesting generator and she's like I love it. It's just different. Okay. So you're supposed to be creating an audience online as you speak, wherever it is your audience is your niche, not the actual thing you help them with. So it can be, look I help entrepreneurs sometimes may help entrepreneurs with podcasting, sometimes mental health, whatever. So your audience should be fluent, but your niche, you should have many niches.

    Okay. When you're working with clients, I don't know what capacity you work with clients. I've seen what you do. But I don't know what programs you have but I always tell my Man Gens, you should try your best to keep your programs at 12 weeks or less if possible. So that if it's like week seven you're like Ooh, I don't want to do this anymore, you're not creating a bad name for yourself because you tied them into a year-long contract that you don't even want to finish.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:31:54] Yeah, no, that doesn't sound good to me year-long. And it's really interesting because this I think relates as well to what you were saying earlier. So I had a clinical practice and saw individual clients and people who have been listening to the podcast for a while, know that I closed my clinical practice last spring and I thought that I would do therapy forever. Because I was like therapy is my jam. I love it. And then I started to feel like ooh I'm not loving it anymore.

    And so that's what prompted me to be like and that was like around the time I was also learning about human design. So I was okay, I got to follow this. This is not lighting me up anymore. I think part of it, it was just time for me to transition. And I also think the other thing was I actually preferred doing shorter-term therapy. And all of my clients were long-term at that point. Like all of them, I had seen for at least a year. And I was just like this isn't working for me. And so I'm so glad that I trusted that because I think if I had just continued it would've been like well it generates some revenue and I feel bad for my clients to say I can't see them anymore. And there was some guilt there, right? But ultimately I was going to do a disservice because I wasn't going to be able to be the kind of therapist, service provider that I wanted to be if I was feeling weighed down by the whole thing.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:33:19] Yep, that's a big thing. Another thing is there's something called a personality profile in human design. And that's really another extension of your personality. How you are meant to show up in this world. So if you look at your personality profile, there's two numbers, yours is a 5/1, I'm a 5/2, so I know the first one very well. The five is considered a heretic. So we are, if we believe in something, we going to say it.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:33:47] Yes.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:33:48] We're going to give that. That's who we are. However, karma, what we have to understand, as those of us who have five in our profile. And when you look up your profile, and I'll tell you how to, at the end of this, you'll see if you have a five, if you have a five in your profile, other people are projecting on you what really they have. So they may have amazing leadership qualities and they'll see it themselves. So they're projecting it on you, right? You might say, well that's not a bad thing. It's because when you respond and it's not something that lights you up so you're not responding according to your authority and you go to help this person, you go to give that advice, you are going to be burned at the stake. You understand me?

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:34:31] Mm-Hmm.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:34:32] I'm looking at you because I'm looking at me. So keep your opinions, comments, resources, help to yourself if your emotional authority didn't tell you to help them. You understand me?

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:34:52] Yep.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:34:53] Does that resonate?

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:34:53] Yes. I had an experience and this is I think just before I transitioned out of my last job and I was doing some DEI consulting kind of because I was interested but kind of because I was being asked to do it, right? Like I don't think the emotional authority was right. And I was sort of consulting for this company and ended up being sort of scapegoated for their issues. So I made people unsafe and I was the problem and all this and I'm just like huh, I'm not the problem with your system, right? But it was just like-

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:35:25] Period.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:35:26] And also you're underpaying me. I'm doing all this stuff, all these meetings. Suddenly I'm the problem in your business. Because I spoke for two hours, right? And sort of burned at the stake, right?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:35:38] Yeah. You get burned at the stake.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:34:40] And I was ok, yeah. Guess what I'm done with? I'm done with DEI consulting. I was like okay. Yep. No more I'm not doing this.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:35:48] Yeah. And it's so important for us to remember our authority. Yours is emotional, I am a splenic which means I know in the moment. I can tell you right now, the moment you sent me a message, I felt good. I have turned down speaking engagement. Because I know in the moment. I have splenic authority.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:36:04] Interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:36:05] Right? So with five, got to be very mindful of that. Stop helping everybody. Because when you stop helping or if they don't get the results they want. They burn you at the stake. Like you're the problem when it's really not you. Okay. And then we think there's something wrong with us. Okay. The second part of your profile, you have a one in it. Ones are our investigators. How old are you?

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:36:25] 37.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:36:28] Okay. So you may notice about yourself. Sometimes people don't know. You like to know all the details. You're going to research the hell out of something.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:36:36] Yes.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:36:37] Before you go out there and put yourself out there. That's a good thing. You're one, that's what you're supposed to do. Exactly what you're supposed to. Me, I'm not a one so I'm not supposed to know everything. I'm supposed to get it done.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:36:49] Just do it.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:36:56] Yes. And one thing I want to go back with the five, not only is it a good idea for you only to have an eight to 12-week program because you're a manifesting generator. But also because you're a five, the longer they're in our presence, the more likely they are to burn us at the stake. Even if we're doing an amazing job.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:37:07] Huh. Huh.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:37:08] I'll give you an example. My first year as a coach, I did weight loss coaching. Because I was a nurse. I was oh, health coaching, right? And this lady, she lost like 15 pounds the week before she sent me this horrible email. I have never lost this amount of weight. And still be able to eat my carbs, because that was my thing. I am going to teach you how to loose weight eating carbs. She sends this nasty message, I am so dissatisfied with this program and I was like, I sent her the screenshot the week before. I said what happened in a week? What did I do? What did my team do? Did we, there was nothing she could pinpoint.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:37:40] Huh, interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:37:41] And I remember going to a friend of mine who was a human design expert, but at first I wasn't told about human design. She was like, Naieema, I think you may have a five in your profile. I didn't know about personality profile. I just know I was a projector. I was like I don’t what that is. And she was like can I look it up? Sure enough, I had a five, she's like probably best for you to work with people for less than six months or less.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:38:01] Interesting. Very interesting. Yeah. And what's so funny? Because I think especially in this online business world, everybody's like memberships keep people forever. And I have sort of toyed with the idea, but a membership sounds awful to me. Because I'm like I don't want to be on all the time. But then this is adding like another layer of probably why it doesn't sound right. Because it's like this long extended, ongoing, open-ended, neverending.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:38:33] Not a good idea for us.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:38:34] Interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:38:35] Not a good idea for us.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:38:36] Very interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:38:37] That doesn't mean that you don't keep a list of your former clients and then reach back out. No. You can work with people. But with fives you have to be real careful.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:38:42] Interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:38:44] We're not the only ones. People with twos in their profile, same thing. This is why I'm getting these in-depth readings. And if you're going to invest in a business coach, they have modalities that are not just, oh, this is going to work for you. Because they work for these three people and also work for me. No. Here's how I'm going to help you as an individual.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:39:04] Yeah.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:39:05] Let me see anything else. You have what's called marketplace environments.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:39:13] Okay.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:39:14] Markets environments. So you and I have the same, we have a lot, quite a few similarities in our chart. What that means is that we need to be in the thick of things. We're not people that's meant to. And I didn't look at your full chart to know if you're an observer or an observed. I'm telling it's crazy. But anyway, marketplace in general, you have to be in the thick of things. So working in coffee shops. If you have to create content or maybe you have to create your next speech and you are like I don’t feel inspired. Walk through a busy market and just being there for an hour or two and just absorbing that.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:39:53] Interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:39:54] Is actually good for us. There was a time when I first moved to Seattle, I was really having a hard time creating content and I was walking through Pike Market, which is a big busy market place in Seattle. And I felt, and I went and wrote a blog post and I put a video out and then you sent me a DM. Someone sent me an email about speaking infront of 60,000 women.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:40:16] Oh wow.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:40:17] Like literally within a few days.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:40:19] Wow. Interesting.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:40:20] I did nothing. I didn't reach out to any of you. I didn't.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:40:22] It's so interesting. It's very interesting also because so I work from home and I definitely don't have a tendency to like go out to coffee shops. But recently I have been feeling like the ideas are not coming to me. Like I'm like feel a little bit stuck creatively in terms of like that. And then I think if I sort of juxtapose that with, I haven't really gone anywhere for like a month and a half. You know what I mean? I haven't traveled, we've been at home. I have an eight month old, right? Like I've just been at home, and she's adorable. I don't think it's generative for me in terms of creativity. I think you're-

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:41:07] It's not for us.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:41:08] Yeah.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:41:09] It's not for us.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:41:10] Yeah. I mean that's so helpful because I'm like I don't know what to say to these people.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:41:15] And you got to travel, travel is also good for markets.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:41:18] Good. Because I'm going to Puerto Rico next week. So I'm very much looking forward to that.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:41:23] Enjoy. I love Puerto Rico. Yes.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:41:25] Okay. All right.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:41:27] Yeah, so those are the major things. I mean I can go on for hours-

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:41:31] I'm sure.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:41:32] To look at your chart but those are some things I have seen.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:41:33] That's so helpful. I really, one of the things that I think is so cool about human design is sort of feeling seal in a different way. Like there was something I read on my chart that was like you really need light. Like you need natural light, you need like to be in front of windows. And something about our current condo is that it does not have great natural light. And since we moved here and I didn't really realize I needed it so much until we moved here. And I've like complained, I've been oh, like the light in here. It's just not great. It's not great. It's not great. It's not great. My husband's like whatever, who cares? Like whatever. And then I like read it in human design, it was like you need light. I was yes, this is me. Like it's true.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:42:18] Yes. I was about say that. You are direct light determination, which is you do better when it's light outside. When you have that natural light that also includes when you're eating, you do need to do most of your eating when the sun is up. That's how you digest better. That's also how you digest information better. So when you are doing things for your clients, try your best to do it when it's sunlight out, you probably wouldn't be the person that I would say go do a masterclass at 8:00 PM unless you're in a place where 8 PM is still light outside.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:42:51] No absolutely not. When I used to see individual clients and they'd want a 7:00 PM I'm like I don't think you really want to see me at seven because the brain is shutting down. It's going to be no good.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:43:07] It's very true. It's very true. It's so liberating. So now like with your husband, it's not like a conversation of, hey, this is just what it is. It's, this is important for me as direct light being something that I need, it actually helps me think, it helps me be present all the things because I'm consecutive appetite. So with my girlfriend, I have to say, because she's a man gen, so she's all over the place. I'm like you got to tell me one thing at a time. Because I can only digest so much information.

    Dr. Adia Gooden[00:43:39] It's hard.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:43:40] Yes, but I have to remind her and she is like okay. And she understands human design too, so she is like okay, here is your one thing, I am like okay, so do you got that one thing, yes. Now let's move to the next.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:43:54] In my mind I'm ok, pin in this, pin in this, pin in this. That's how I operate I'm like wait, this is two questions. Wait. Okay. One, two.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:44:03] Yes. You guys start your sentence in the middle of your thought. I say to her, the first part of your thoughts-

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:44:10] I didn't get access to it.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:44:13] You got to tell me that part first. And she's like oh yeah.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:44:19] Oh my gosh. So good. Well, I mean, I feel like we've sort of talking throughout about how sort of people understanding their human design can help them claim their self-worth. And I think it really just challenges internal narratives that something is wrong with you, right? I just think so many of us, especially those of us who are BIPOC, if you have a disability, if you're LGBTQ like if you are sort of outside of the quote-unquote, I don't even really want to use norm, but like if you are out, if you are not sort of in the mainstream sort of idealized way of being, living, looking, et cetera, you often come up with an internalized sense of there is something wrong with me. I don't think the right way. I don't work the right way, I don't talk the right way, I don't interact, right?

    And so I think human design allows us to see ourselves without judgment, free from this, I should be this way, but in this, yeah, this is the way I am. And so then how do I design my life and think about creating situations so that I can show up as my best self. And then as you've described, Dr. Naieema, see how life unfolds, right? See how the abundance flows in, see how the opportunities flow. See how that allows you to create an impact, right? In this beautiful way. Because you're no longer trying to twist yourself into a pretzel and fit yourself into a box that does not suit you.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:45:50] Period. And even to think about self-worth, another thing that comes to me is abundance and money. Even human design, and I'm not going to go to it here, but human design can even tell you some of the shadows and blocks you have around money based off of your centers. Like what you have heard in this interview is not even a tip of the motherfucking iceberg. It's extremely high level. So if you know that you want to know who you’re, if you want to know what's best for you, how you best make decisions, how you can unblock those money blocks and bringing that abundance, how you can move through this life with less resistance, get into human design.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:46:41] I'm sold. So tell people again, how they can look up their chart and like where do they even go? What website do you use?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:46:55] I use

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:46:57] Okay.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:46:58] And when you go there, you'll literally see it in their menu, free chart.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:47:05] And then we'll link that in the show notes. And then how, because you're incredibly dynamic and sharing so much wisdom, I know that people are going to want to connect with you further. So how do people connect with you?

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:47:18] Well, two ways. You can either go on Instagram at DrNaieema, D-R-N-A-I-E-E-M-A and they'll link back here, and I'm gifting your audience with my alignment and business mini course. And the reality is even if you're not a business owner, you can still get in there because what is going to show you is based off of your human design type, how you know you're in alignment, whether you're in business or not, and how you know you're not in alignment and what to do to about it.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:47:50] I love that.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:47:52] Because if we're on self-worth journeys, that's the beginning. We didn't even get to talk about that. That's why I'm telling you, human design is so vast and it's not something that keeps you in the bubble. It actually allows you to grow into who you are meant to be.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:48:05] I love that. That's so exciting. Okay, I'm excited. I'm going to take the course too. So we're going to link all of that in the show notes. We will link did you say your Instagram or your website? I couldn't-

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:48:16] Instagram. You can Instagram. And then I sent my link for the actual so they will have that too.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:48:20] Perfect. So we'll link, Dr. Naieema's Instagram, if you want to follow her, get that content she creates once a month. And -

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:48:28] It will not look like once a month.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:48:31] I know, I know, that's the magic. And then get the free course. That's very exciting. I am so grateful to you for coming on the show, for being a joy to talk with, for sharing your insights on my human design chart. It's been really helpful to me, insightful for me. And so I'm really grateful for you, Dr. Naieema.

    Dr. Naieema Jackson [00:48:52] Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you for having me on your platform. I know that those decisions are not made lightly. I appreciate you. I don't believe anything happens haphazardly. There was a reason in your search that you and I connected, and I appreciate you.

    Dr. Adia Gooden [00:49:06] Thank you so much.

    [cheerful music starts]

    Thanks for joining me this week on the Unconditionally Worthy Podcast. Make sure to visit my website, and subscribe to the show on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode. You can also follow me on social media at Dr. Adia Gooden. If you loved the show, please leave a review on iTunes so we can continue to bring you amazing episodes. Lastly, if you found this episode helpful and know someone who might benefit from hearing it, please share it. Thanks for listening and see you next episode.

    [cheerful music ends]

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana and the music is by Wataboi.

    Cali by Wataboi

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0

    Music promoted by FDL Music

Did you know there’s a simple, yet profound way to learn more about who you truly are AND confidently claim your worth? It’s called Human Design.

In this episode of Unconditionally Worthy, I welcome Dr. Naieema Jackson, an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert. Naieema helps online service providers who have created jobs for themselves and are experiencing burnout to use their human design to build wildly profitable businesses. Thus, she knows a thing or two about how human design can help you claim your worth!

Listen in as Naieema and I explore what human design is, the benefits of knowing your unique human design chart, and how that can shape your relationship with self-worth. Plus, Naieema breaks down some powerful insights from my own human design chart. Spoiler: It’s crazy accurate!!

After years of overworking and tying her worth to the corporate ladder, Naieema discovered human design and finally figured out who she’s supposed to be.

What is Human Design?

Human design is a way you can think about and own who you are in the world and design your life around that, instead of trying to fit yourself into a box or a system that doesn’t work for you. Human design is a playbook for how you can show up in your life with less resistance, less control of the outcome, and more trust in yourself as you go about life.

There are five human design types: 

  • Projector

  • Manifestor

  • Generator

  • Manifesting Generator

  • Reflector

Naieema breaks down each of the human design types in this episode, so tune in to learn the specifics!

Many of us try to do what society tells us we have to do to be successful, but so often, we don’t fit within that model. Can you resonate? This is a major factor that contributes to people feeling unworthy because they feel like there’s something wrong with them. What’s really going on here is they just don’t know their unique human design and how that fits into the world.

When you connect to the truth of who you are, without trying to fit into a box society has created for you, the world becomes your oyster. True success emerges easily, peacefully, and joyfully.

“That’s what self-worth is. It’s about finding your worth within yourself. It’s not for other people to tell you how good you are…  Even if no one tells me I’m radiant, I’m beautiful, I’m doin’ it, all the things that we want to hear, I now feel like I’m worthy because I know who I’m supposed to be.” - Dr. Naieema Jackson

How Knowing Your Human Design Helps You Claim Your Worth:

  • Human design challenges internal narratives that “something is wrong with you”.

  • Human design helps you create situations in your life where you can show up as your best self with less resistance.

  • Human design enables you to create a change in your life or create impact in the world by pursuing what truly lights you up.

  • Human design shows you the blocks you have around money and abundance, so you can break them down.

  • Human design helps you see yourself without judgment, without “I should be this way”, helping you to see who you’re supposed to be in life.

Do you want to learn your human design chart? Go to

Claim your FREE Human Design Alignment in Business Course: 

Enroll in the Date Yourself

About Dr. Naieema Jackson (she/her):

Dr. Naieema Jackson is a 5/2 splenic projector, a mom, a speaker and an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert for women online service providers.

Dr. Naieema has a PhD in nursing and did this work for 20 years. After climbing the corporate and academic ladder, she realized that she was not willing to work 40+ hours a week for the rest of her life to prove herself to other unhappy people all while earning less as a woman of color. So, in December of 2019, she started her coaching business and took in six figures in one year!

But she was doing the copy and paste strategies and treating herself as an employee working 50+ hours a week. She was quickly approaching burnout. So, she learned human design, learned she is a projector and created a six figure business working 12 hours a week!

As a certified human design reader AND intuitive business strategist, Dr. Naieema helps online service providers, who’ve created jobs for themselves and who are experiencing burnout, use their human design to build wildly profitable businesses.

To connect further with Dr. Naieema Jackson:

Follow her on Instagram: 

Visit her website: 

This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

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