Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

Owning The Power of Your Voice with Samara Bay

Do you struggle with public speaking? Do you want to learn how to speak up and feel worthy of using your voice in powerful ways? If so, stop scrolling and click play! In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Samara Bay, a Speech Advisor/Coach and Best-Selling Author of “Permission to Speak: How to Change What Power Sounds Like, Starting With You”. Listen in to learn how you can start tapping into the power of your voice and feel worthy before, during, and after a public speaking opportunity.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

Liberating Ourselves and Decolonizing Mental Health with Dr. Han Ren

What does it mean to decolonize mental health? As BIPOC folk, how do we liberate ourselves from colonization and mental illness? In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Dr. Han Ren, a licensed clinical and school psychologist, consultant, speaker, and educator who is deeply rooted in liberation and anti-oppressive work. Tune in to learn what it means to decolonize mental health and what it looks like to care for and liberate yourself as a BIPOC person. By the end of the episode, you’ll know six ways you can start decolonizing mental health.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

How to Stop Erasing Yourself and Start Seeing Yourself with Amanda Miller Littlejohn

Do you ignore your talents and interests in the pursuit of the American Dream? Do you make yourself small to fit in or fly under the radar? Do you over-prioritize hard work until there’s no time for self-expression, creativity, or fun? You might be falling victim to self-erasure… In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Amanda Miller Littlejohn, a Brand Strategist, Executive Coach, Writer, and Founder of Package Your Genius Academy. Listen in as we talk about how to reverse self-erasure, get out of the hustle and grind culture, and imagine bigger possibilities for your life. You’ll walk away with a strong understanding of what self-erasure is, where it comes from, and 5 tips that will help you stop erasing yourself and start seeing yourself.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

How Claiming Your Worth Creates Shifts in Your Life

In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I invite three former members of the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program to shed light on their self-worth journeys and what they’ve gained from the program. Based on their own personal experiences, Felicia, Larissa, and Toni each describe how claiming your worth creates shifts, both subtle and monumental, in your life.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

How to Be Honest and Kind With Yourself with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani

Can you love yourself when you are not the best version of yourself? In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, an international speaker, entrepreneur, artist, and author of the recently published book, “Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life”. Listen in as Kristina and I discuss what it takes to courageously embrace your flaws, love yourself, and be honest and kind with yourself. She shares a few powerful ways you can be kinder and more honest with yourself so you can pursue and achieve what you want with less resistance and more courage. Ultimately, her insights will help you live an authentic life while embracing all of your imperfections.


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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

Navigating the Challenges & Opportunities of Midlife with Julie Artis

Are you currently navigating midlife or curious about what midlife will be like for you? Let me first tell you, it’s not full of crises! Midlife is actually a beautiful, transformative time that can enable you to live a life full of curiosity, passion, wisdom, and above all, FUN. In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Julie Artis, PhD, a Leadership and Career Coach for women and published expert on women’s work and women’s midlife transitions. Listen in as Julie and I shine light on the challenges and opportunities that come up during midlife and how we can navigate them with a strong sense of self-worth and openness to change.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

Knowing Your Human Design Helps You Claim Your Worth with Dr. Naieema Jackson

Did you know there’s a simple, yet profound way to learn more about who you truly are AND confidently claim your worth? It’s called Human Design. In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Dr. Naieema Jackson, an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert. Listen in as Naieema and I explore what human design is, the benefits of knowing your human design chart, and how that can shape your relationship with self-worth.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

How to Step Into Your Power with Ekene Onu

In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Ekene Onu, a Feminine Leadership Coach and Founder of Iconic Womanhood. Listen in as Ekene and I talk about how to step into your power as a strong, unconditionally worthy woman.

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