Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

How Limiting Beliefs Limit Your Life with Jennifer Standish

Do you have beliefs about yourself and your life that keep you stuck? Do you find yourself longing to do something bigger with your life or break out of your comfort zone but continually feel pulled back into old habits and patterns? Well, you may be experiencing the effects of limiting beliefs in your life.

In this episode of Unconditionally Worthy, I welcome Jennifer Standish, author of Permission Granted: Live Your Life Full of Joy and Peace and personal transformation expert.

Listen in as we have a candid discussion about the most common limiting beliefs, how claiming our worth can dismantle those beliefs, and the importance of giving yourself permission to change your mind.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

Here’s What I Do When I’m Triggered

Tired of getting triggered and not knowing how to heal and move on from it? Want to learn my approach to dealing with triggers? Tune in! In this solo episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I share what I do when I’m triggered and offer advice that will help you better navigate your triggers so you can live an easier life with less anxiety, fear, and anger. Remember, we’re all human and we all have triggers… What matters is how we handle them and move forward!

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