Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

Lessons from the Waiting Room

Have you ever been left waiting for what you wanted? Maybe it was waiting for a promotion, waiting for love, waiting for a baby. I think we all go through waiting periods in our lives and if you’re anything like me, it can be hard to wait.

I want you to know that you’re not alone in your waiting. At some point this summer (I’m not sure exactly when), I got put in a metaphorical waiting room.

I didn’t know that I was being put in a waiting room and just like my toddler does when we ask her to do something she doesn’t want to do, I went kicking and screaming.

In this episode of the Unconditionally Worthy podcast, I’m sharing about my experience struggling with and eventually accepting and learning from a waiting period in my life. This episode will help you think constructively about your own times of waiting so that they can be transformative in your life.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

It’s Been a Hard Year, Here’s How I’ve Been Coping

This has been a hard year for me. Not all bad by any measure but definitely hard.

I started the year out with big goals and plans for my business and met very few of them.

My themes for this year were fun and ease and, ironically, I struggled with both of those things.

I experienced the resurgence of self-worth challenges that I thought I had resolved and was reminded of the ongoing nature of our self-worth journeys.

I’m sharing this with you because I want to be open and honest about my own self-worth journey, not just where I’ve been (there are many episodes where I’ve shared that) but where I am now and how I’m moving through the challenging periods in my life.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

This is How You Release Perfectionism with Dr. Rebecca Hubbard

So many of us struggle with perfectionism. Women in particular are socialized to believe that being perfect makes us worthy. If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent years trying to be perfect in all the ways you could think of (academically, professionally, in friendships, in romantic relationships, etc.). After pursuing perfectionism for long enough we are left exhausted and disconnected from the things that used to bring joy into our life.

I want to encourage you, one recovering perfectionist to another, that there is another way. That’s exactly what my guest on this episode of the Unconditionally Worthy podcast and I are talking about. I’m joined by Dr. Rebecca Hubard a licensed clinical psychologist, Kemetic Yoga instructor, former student athlete, and recovering perfectionist.

Listen in as Dr. Rebecca shares about her one self-worth journey, how she is releasing perfectionism and how both of us are avoiding the traps of pursuing perfection as new moms.

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