Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

Healing Intergenerational Trauma with Dr. Mariel Buqué

Intergenerational trauma is something that impacts most of us whether we know it or not. The trauma that our mothers experienced when we were in their wombs impacts us, the trauma that their mothers experienced impacted them and on and on and on. While it can be discouraging to consider the trauma that has impacted so many people in our lineage, it is empowering to know that we can heal intergenerational trauma and to remember the strength that we can draw from our ancestors. Healing intergenerational trauma is about what we do in our own lives to break the cycle and how we change things for future generations.

In this episode of the Unconditionally Worthy podcast I’m joined by Dr. Mariel Buqué who is a psychologist, intergenerational trauma expert, and author.

Listen in as Dr. Mariel shares about how imposter syndrome was a big factor in her own self-worth journey and shares her deep wisdom and practical insights on how we can heal intergenerational trauma.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

You Have the Power to Design Your Life with Jamila Reddy

Have you been trying to avoid failure and disappointment and ended up living on the sidelines of life? Have you been so worried about the opinions of others or caught up in people pleasing that you have become disconnected from the desires of your heart?

I know these are deep questions but they are so important to wrestle with if we want to claim our worth, design our lives, and start living full out. This is exactly what my guest and I talk about on this episode of Unconditionally Worthy. Jamila Reddy, a transformational coach, intuitive guide, writer, and breathwork facilitator is my guest on this week’s episode and I can’t wait for you to listen to our powerful conversation and see the shifts it helps you to make in your life.

Listen in as we discuss how to design a life that you truly desire, cultivating practices to tolerate disappointment so you can get out on the field of life and play full out, and how breathwork helped Jamila move through deep grief.

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Adia Gooden Adia Gooden

How to Reconnect to Yourself with Mohini Gima

Do you feel disconnected from yourself? Have you spent so much time and energy doing what other people want that you no longer feel connected to what you truly desire? This is a common experience for so many of us, women in particular. In this episode of the podcast we are going to explore how this happens and show you how to reconnect with yourself.

In this episode of Unconditionally Worthy, I welcome Mohini Gima who is an educator, facilitator, guide, and speaker.

Listen in as we discuss how we become disconnected from ourselves and the simple practices that help us to reconnect with ourselves and embody our self-worth. Mohini share’s her story of pursuing a “dream” life and then dismantling the life she had created when she realized that it was misaligned. She shares how she courageously created a life that affirms her worth and fulfills her desires.

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